School of Chemistry & Physics

Prof Manfred A Hellberg

Emeritus Professor of Physics and Senior Research Associate

From 1965 to 2003, Dr Hellberg has occupied various roles at UKZN including: Lecturer, Senior Professor, Dean, ProVice-Chancellor and DVC.

He’s been a fellow at the UK Institute of Physics, the Royal Society of South Africa, UKZN and a Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow. He’s a member of the Academy of Science of SA, an honorary member of the SA Institute of Physics (President 1997 – 1999) and secretary/member of the IUPAP Commission on Plasma Physics.

He has a NRF Rating of B1 since 2001 and an H-index of 26. Dr Hellberg has produced 101 research articles and more than 2100 citations (394 in 2013). His works have been published in a book, 19 international conference proceedings, 90 other refereed international and 77 national conference papers; 3 major research reports and 19 review, semi-popular and Higher Education papers.

Research interests

  • Materials and Applied Catalysis.
  • Water Chemistry:
  • Environmental Analytical Chemistry
  • Green Chemistry/Value added conversions